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Plastic surgery
«To make patients happy
is as important as to make them healthy»
Sir William Osler

Lazurenko Alexey Sergeevich graduated with honors from Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky. He got the master degree of surgery on the basis of KNMU under the Center of endovideosurgery in Simferopol (scientific advisor – surgeon-in-chief of Crimea, candidate of medical science, associate professor Chemadurov N.T.).

Alexey Sergeevich took a course on thematic improvement in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery on the basis of Donets National Medical University named after Gorkiy under the direction of associate professor of medical science, professor of DNMU, member of the All-Ukrainian Association of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons Zhukov M.I…

Superior and inferior bepharoplasty
before and after 3 months
Superior bepharoplasty
before and after 2 weeks
Contour plastic surgery of lacrimal grooves
before and after 3 weeks
Laser skin resurfacing of inferior eyelids
before and after 4 months

Eyes are the most expressive part of the face. Sometimes one look is enough to express all the range of feelings and emotions towards the interlocutor. But age and peculiarities of life style always leave on face such marks as mimic wrinkles, bags under person’s eyes, overhanging of redundant skin fold of superior eyelids. It makes you look more tired, unhealthy, and visually severe. It is the changes in the eyes area that give the woman’s age away. You can be a rather cheerful person, have very easy temper and be very communicative, but only your dearest and nearest will know that. For the rest of people you will seem unsociable, gloomy person, and this doesn’t contribute to the communication and developing of business and personal contacts. And the reasons for that are very often the age-related changes of eyelids. Even young patients sometimes want to solve the problem of their tired and puffed look. It is connected with the genetically predetermined fat uptake under the inferior or even superior eyelids. However the first signs of aging appear exactly around the eyes when we reach thirty-forty years. The process of aging is attended by skin changes, the skin loses its elasticity and begins to be worn out and sag. Such loss of elasticity helps fat around eyes to bulge out; it is called “adipocele”.

Picture 1. Inferior eyelid structure
Picture 2. “The adipocele” of inferior eyelid

Man-patients often ask me to remove the baggy skin below the eyes, because people think that this defect is a sign of alcoholism. Nowadays there are a lot of demands to men, and to keep in line with everything man should give a great part of his life to work. Stresses, high speed of life, a habit to get rid of tiredness with the help of alcohol and to settle man’s nerves with the help of cigarettes adversely affect man’s health and appearance. In some cases the surgery is necessary not only for the improvement of the appearance. Particularly, when people become older, the eyelids may sag in such a way that they begin to shield the visual field. Also old men have such an inelastic skin that the inferior eyelid comes off the eyeball and causes chronic conjunctivitis and lacrimation. To get rid of this defect it is necessary to tighten and lift the eyelid. Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular procedures among men. It doesn’t require you to stay in hospital for a long time. Depending on the indication, the blepharoplasty of the inferior or of the superior eyelid is conducted. Goals of the blepharoplasty:

  • To get rid of baggy skin below the eyes
  • To get rid of redundant skin
  • To get rid of dark circles under the eyes
  • To modify an oriental eye shape
  • To get rid of congenital or age-related blepharoptosis
  • To reduce rugosity of the eyelids

Blepharoplasty is mostly conducted under local anesthesia or combined narcosis. The surgery usually lasts from thirty minutes to two hours. The choice of the surgery method is individual. The classical method of surgery uses the access to the natural eyelid skin fold. It helps to hide the traces of surgery from the public eye.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is rather popular nowadays. This method uses the access from the side of the conjunctiva, so there will be no traces of the conducted surgery on your face.

During the first forty-eight hours edemas and hematomas in the eyelid area are possible. Gradually these symptoms disappear. The external sutures are removed on the fourth day after the surgery. You will have to comply with the doctor’s recommendations several days, but when all the hematomas and edemas are gone, you can go back to your ordinary life. After the blepharoplasty of the superior eyelid this period lasts 8 days. After the blepharoplasty of the inferior eyelid it lasts 2 weeks. It takes only several days and some effort to show everybody a look of self-confident person. Do not deprive yourself of a pleasure to look at world with open eyes!

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