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Plastic surgery
«To make patients happy
is as important as to make them healthy»
Sir William Osler

Lazurenko Alexey Sergeevich graduated with honors from Crimean State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky. He got the master degree of surgery on the basis of KNMU under the Center of endovideosurgery in Simferopol (scientific advisor – surgeon-in-chief of Crimea, candidate of medical science, associate professor Chemadurov N.T.).

Alexey Sergeevich took a course on thematic improvement in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery on the basis of Donets National Medical University named after Gorkiy under the direction of associate professor of medical science, professor of DNMU, member of the All-Ukrainian Association of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons Zhukov M.I…


It is a well-known fact that women are the majority of the plastic surgeons’ clients. Meanwhile, men are showing more interest to the plastic surgery nowadays.  According to the Health Scout a record number of men in USA used the services of plastic surgery. Since 1992 the number of men, consulting a plastic surgeon, increased by 48 % and made up 100000 – 11% from the total number of plastic surgeries.

Among them  almost a third wanted to get rid of the depot fat on stomach, than followed those who wanted to change the eyelids and nose shape, to make a face lifting, and to remove the folds of fat on chest. Often men come to see the doctor because of the posttraumatic deformation of face. The correction of the aesthetic aspects of the appearance is a task of a plastic surgeon. Particularly, in this article we will discuss one of the marks of the manliness of face – the region of chin. The improvement of the face contours, notably the region of chin is a usual reason for men to turn to the clinic of aesthetic surgery. Chin augmentation with the help of implants has been being used more than 40 years. You just need to look through some photos of top-models in fashion magazines to understand that one of the necessary conditions of beauty is a harmonious proportion of the central part of chin. Although there is a difference between the “strong” chin of man and woman, both of them give a feeling of energy, strength, confidence, trust and aesthetic balance and beauty. Insufficient contours of this zone make the face infantile, and in some cases even repulsive. A tapered chin is always associated with negative traits such as weak character, and together with lack of accurate face proportions it deprives a person of attractiveness. And vice versa a strong chin makes him look manly and sexy. So how can a plastic surgeon help such patients? He can conduct a contour plasty. The plan of surgery is always rather clear. The quality of the result usually depends on the right choice of implant. Nowadays there are a lot of biological and syntactical implants, which are able to create the desirable contours of face.

A lot of forms of chin implants exist nowadays. They are chosen in conformity with the proportions and desires of the patients. The usual materials for implants are silastic and elastomer. During the surgery side plate-implant is fixed on the mental bone, the contour of which it is necessary to improve. The incisions are situated in barely noticeable places, particularly during the correction of chin they are made in the vestibule of mouth. The patient after the surgery can be back home the same day. There is no need to remove suture after such an intervention. The rehabilitation period lasts 1-2 days, because the consequences of the postoperative trauma in this zone are not considerable and do not stay for a long time. Such a surgery can be conducted during the treatment of hypoplasia and traumas of the lower jaw and also to correct the process of aging in the region of lower jaw, which is one of the classical signs of aging. There is no such an aesthetic surgery as chin augmentation with correctly chosen implant that brings such an evident aesthetic success and withal takes little time and effort.